How to build a landing page?

Supriya Shashivasan
6 min readApr 29, 2019

You have the best landing page if the below questions of a customer who has stumbled upon your landing page are answered within a minute!! You have sold your product/service and your beautiful landing page is a HIT!!

“Oh I see you!! Do you have what I want? Why should I choose you? “

In this article, I will share my learning on how to create a bang on landing page. I learnt a great deal when I had to study and build a landing page for Certhive!! An e-certificate design and distribution platform for all events, workshops and fests you conduct.

What is a landing page and why do you need it?!

Landing page is a web page designed and fine-tuned to bring in leads for the product/service and also to serve as a marketing platform. A landing page is designed to throw all light to the Call To Action(CTA) which grabs all attention of the customer and compels them to click hence converting them to leads.

Google search is what every person does when he/she wants to search for anything. Keywords are searched and the page that has the highest ranking comes up. This page is the landing page which is obtained by organic search traffic. So it is very important to improve your SEO for the page by researching on Google trends, Google Adwords and include the best and relevant keywords throughout your website to make your landing page pop up on top in Google Search.

Why use a landing page?

Landing page markets your offering to your customers. It is focused on conveying what you are selling, how it benefits the customer and why they must choose you over others.

If your motive is just to bring subscribers the design and content of your page changes accordingly and now the focus of your page will be to get subscribers/get emails.

If you have to promote a sale or limited period offers, then again your landing page has a different motive which is to make sales. The content must again be tailored to serve this motive and CTA must be placed rightly.

Must have on your landing page

  1. A punch headline

This is very important as your customer looks at this first and it has to be bold, strong and must be in line with your product/service. It should grab the reader’s attention. A headline never goes beyond 10–15 words!!

The heading does not have to always be upfront and straight. There can be a little hint of pun in it or a straight out fact. If you are focusing on a sale you can include that in the heading as well. Also, you could give stats like: “2 thousand products sold. Buy yours now!”

Let's take a look at some of the examples!!

  1. Canva

2. Moz

3. Mailchimp

2. A precise and well-formed subheading

Positioned right below the heading is a subheading which will dive deeper into giving details about the product. It must be persuasive and to the point.

Time for examples!!

  1. Slack

2. Hashnode

3. Complementing image

High-quality relevant images are important. Just text seems very boring. Also, remember that the attention span of the reader will not be long. You must make a strong impact within minutes. Images, pictures, and videos are a great way to do that. It is a known fact that humans perceive pictures sooner than text so here we use it to our advantage. A bold image of the product you are selling must and should be on the page.

These days illustrations are largely used as they have a comic touch which many people like and the colors used grabs attention soon. Also, many companies showcase the dashboards and functionality used as it gives the element of trust on the product.

A few companies also add video clips explaining their product or just a walk through of their dashboard. This is a great approach.

How about some examples then?

  1. Asana

2. Figma

3. Airtable

4. Call to action(CTA)

A call to action is a prompt on a website that compels a user to click on it. On a landing page, CTA is usually as such “Sign up for free”, “Subscribe to our mailing list”. This is the most important part of the landing page. It tells readers about their next steps. Without proper CTA users will be left in confusion and might leave your page.

A page can have multiple CTAs. As this is a main component of the page it must pop on the page. It is advised to use contrast colors for these buttons and make the size larger so as to make it more visible on the page. Set a motive for the CTA, do you want email's? Do you want them to subscribe for your product? Would you like them to sign up? Use proper text inside the buttons.

Here are some examples

  1. Dropbox
  2. Netflix

5. Benefits and Features

List out the best benefits of your product. On point facts that users understand and relate to. It must address the solution for the pains that a user would go through earlier to get the job done. The points must also make users happy. Through this, you have an emotional connection with your readers as they have experienced those pains and they will read through to find out what your solution is.

Features of your product/service are what explains to the readers what different you have over other such products out there. Include images if you think they showcase your features better. Give a brief about best and standout features on your platform and do stress on them.

  1. Instapage
  2. Shopify
  3. Webflow

6. Testimonials

Good reviews of your product on your site showcase trust. Reviews are what users look for before using a product. The experience that others have had using your product provides an inner view, a story the readers can relate to and gives them an idea as to what to expect.

  1. Zendesk
  2. mHelpDesk

7. Contact details

Give your contact details and social media links on your page. Some of the best landing pages have multiple contact points for readers to reach out whenever they have a question. Also, it makes your business legit and trustworthy. Few websites have pop-ups providing customer service making a connection with the reader, while others have automated chat bots.

8. Forms

Crisp and short forms where the users fill in their details are also necessary. You can contact them from the information they have given you and maybe somehow use it for your advantage. Also forms are a great way to collect customer data, in case you need to contact them when a new feature is added or when you have an offer on your product.

These are just points that can be included in your landing page to get more conversions. Added to this, do make sure the page is designed, organised and developed well. The content on the page must be spaced perfectly and there must be a proper flow to the elements present on the page. Look into the latest trends in UI/UX to make it look appealing and also to stay up with the designing trends of 2019. Be clear with your motive of the landing page and structure the content of the page accordingly.

Hope this article was helpful. I had a great time writing this!!

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